Sunday, February 22, 2009

* FHE Lesson 8 Baptism

Click on the picture to read about Jesus' baptism.


**For: My grandson Dax who's being baptized this Saturday! And for my grand-daughter Jaycee who will be baptized this summer!

Don't forget to give every family member a part of the lesson!Assignment Planner

Open & Close with Prayer

Scripture: D&C 33:11 The scripture is highlighted on the page from this link.Invite members of the family to memorize this scripture and it's reference!
Music Selections (Use anytime during the lesson! Use the songs throughout the week too!
Print the letters: B A P T I S M
You can click and print these festive balloons or you can make your own fun letters.
You will need to tape these up during the lesson.

Use these letters to talk about baptism.

Young Children:

Color Page
Talk about each letter and let the children take turns taping it on the wall/board to spell "Baptism." As each letter is taped ups, tell something about baptism that begins with that letter... some ideas follow: (Use ideas from the extended lesson below)

B: Born again, Baptism, Beginning, Blessings
A: Always remember Him, Actions
P: Perfect, washed clean (talk about imersion)
T: Time for baptism age 8, Testimony, Time of Choice & Accountability, Taking His Name upon us
S: Sacrament, Stand and take His Name, Stand as a Witness
M: Making Covenants (promises)

Click and print to make a popup.

My Baptismal Covenant Diorama
1. Mount it on heavy paper. Cut out the large rectangle.
2. Cut slits on the nine solid lines, and fold along the broken lines.
3. Cut out the figures. Insert the tab on the baptism figure into the slit in the baptism scene (see illustration).
4. Glue the back of the sacrament figures to the tab that folds out of the sacrament scene (see illustration).
5. Cut out the scripture boxes, and read the references. Insert the tabs into the remaining slits.
Click here for a puzzle!
Give them the letters and have them tell all they know about baptism that begins with that letter, for example, "P" - partaking of the sacrament - is what we do to renew our baptismal covenants. Teens could ALSO use each letter to tell something they remember from their baptism day, for example, "B" Grandma Betty came from Wyoming because it was such a special day. That made me feel....

Talk about the experience when you were baptized. Or tell about when your ancestors first joined the church and their experiences getting baptized.Bare your testimony about the importance of baptism. (Take time this week to write in your journal about the memories you have of your baptism.)

Honoring the Family Member
to Be Baptized
Tell your family to listen carefully as you mention some dates. Have them tell why each date is important to some member of your family. Mention such dates as those on which family members were born, baptized, married, or engaged to be married. Give the birth date and planned baptismal date of the person to be baptized as the last two dates.

State that this baptismal date will be one of the most important days in this person's life. Tell your family that because this is such an important event you will honor him during this family home evening.

Keeping on the right path... Click on the picture.

You might want to display the certificate of baptism of a family member. Explain to the person you are honoring that he will receive a certificate that will be an official record of his baptism. You might also want to show your family group sheet, and point out the space where this date will be recorded.

Learning about Baptism
Show a picture of Christ being baptized (ABOVE)
Baptism is so important that even Jesus was baptized.

Look at the picture and talk about how Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan.

ASK: What does immersion mean? (To be completely covered by water.)
Bring out that we are baptized by the same authority as Jesus was-the priesthood of God.

READ: Mosiah 18:10 together.
What do the words "as a witness before him" mean when you think of your baptism? (I will show by the act of being baptized how I feel in my heart. I witness, or show, that I believe in Heavenly Father, that I loves him, and that I want to obey his commandments.)

ASK: What is a covenant? (An agreement or promise between two persons that each will do certain things.)
Stress that the baptismal covenant is a sacred agreement. Click on the picture for more information.

ASK:- What is the promise that the person being baptized will make to Heavenly Father at baptism? (He will promise to keep Heavenly Father's commandments and to serve him.)

ASK: What will Heavenly Father promise when our family member is baptized? (To forgive him of his sins if he repents [see D&C 33:11], to accept him as a member of the Church [see D&C 20:37], to give him the gift of eternal life if he is faithful [see 3 Nephi 11:33].)

The Way to the Kingdom of God
If we follow the commandments, we will return to our Heavenly Father and inherit a place in his kingdom. In fact, only by obeying the commandments can we receive these great blessings.

ASK: Why do you think that our Heavenly Father has asked us to make a sacred covenant or promise to obey his commandments when we are baptized? (Because he loves us, he wants us to be happy, and he wants us to be with him in the kingdom of heaven.)
ASK: How is it possible for all of our mistakes or sins to be forgiven when we are baptized? (Because Jesus loved us so much that he was willing to suffer in the Garden of Gethsemane and upon the cross. He had the power to save himself from suffering and death, but he did not use it because he wanted to make it possible for our sins to be forgiven.)

ASK: Does our Heavenly Father expect those who are baptized to keep all of his commandments perfectly from now on? (No. He knows that we need to learn how to keep these commandments and that we will make some mistakes while we learn. Heavenly Father expects us to try to live the commandments as completely as possible. But if we make a mistake, we can repent and do better next time. This is how we will learn. The Savior has given us the great gift of forgiveness for our mistakes when we repent.)

Being Confirmed a Member of the Church
Explain that after your family member has been baptized, he will be confirmed and receive two wonderful blessings.
ASK: What are these two blessings? (First, he will be accepted as a member of the church and kingdom of God here upon the earth. He will share in all of the privileges and blessings of this great kingdom. This kingdom is different from any other organization upon the earth because Jesus stands at its head, and its leaders act for him. Second, the person being baptized will also receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and have the right to the companionship of the Holy Ghost if he is faithful.)

Plans for the Day of Baptism
After the discussion, plan ways to make your family member's baptism day a special day for him and for your whole family. You could make plans like the following:
1. Have the entire family attend the baptismal service. Plan transportation and other details with the person being baptized.
2. Eat dinner at a special place together, or enjoy a special treat. You might choose to have a special meal at home, serving favorite foods of the person you are honoring.
3. Have this person write the date of his baptism on your family group sheet. To emphasize the importance of this date, your entire family could be there when he does this. You could do this after you return home from the baptismal service or during your next home evening.
4. You may want to give this person a small gift after his baptism, such as his own copy of one of the standard works.
5. To help this person feel more secure when he goes into the water to be baptized, his father or an older brother could show him how he will be held by the one who will baptize him. Time could be taken to let him actually practice the way he will place his hands, bend his knees, and so forth.

A Sacred Experience
Explain that the person you are honoring should go to his baptism with a desire to show Heavenly Father and Jesus that he loves them and wants to make a covenant that he will serve them all of his life. If he does this, he will know that he is doing what they want him to do and that they are pleased with him.
Read President Joseph F. Smith's description of the time when he was baptized:
"The feeling that came upon me was that of pure peace, of love and of light. I felt in my soul that if I had sinned-and surely I was not without sin--that it had been forgiven me; that I was indeed cleansed from sin; my heart was touched and I felt that I would not injure the smallest insect beneath my feet. I felt as though I wanted to do good everywhere to everybody and to everything. I felt a newness of life, a newness of desire to do that which was right. There was not one particle of desire for evil left in my soul. I was but a little boy, it is true, when I was baptized; but this was the influence that came upon me, and I know that it was from God, and was and ever has been a living witness to me of my acceptance of the Lord." (In Conference Report, Apr. 1898, p. 66.)

Have family members who have been baptized tell about their feelings at the time of their baptisms.

Tell how you feel about your child's baptism, and explain the responsibility you have to prepare him/her for baptism (see D&C 68:25-28).

Treat: Serve favorite refreshments of the person you are honoring.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

* FHE Lesson 7 Making Work Fun

Making Work FUN !

Happy Presidents Day!

Don't forget to give every family member a part of the lesson!Assignment Planner

Open & Close with Prayer

Scripture: D&C 88:119 The scripture is highlighted on the page from this link.Invite members of the family to memorize this scripture and it's reference!

How does being organized help Heavenly Father... our family???

Music Selections (Use anytime during the lesson! Use the songs throughout the week too!
When We're Helping

If the word dishes triggers your family's disappearing act, or if you hear "just a minute, mom" from a distance, this lesson is for you. Helping your family enjoy working will take creativity. Try some of the ideas given below.

Begin by asking family members what they do at home to help their family such as set the table, take out the trash, feed the pet, etc. Also ask how they would feel if they were the only one at home who had chores to do.

Tell your family that they will be listening to a story about a hen who had to work hard while others relaxed. Use the links below, or read the story if you have it at home.

Teens: Ask your teen to tell the story to YOUNG CHILDREN. They may choose to "act it out."

The Little Red Hen

(Click on Watch the Video)

After reading the story have the family recall the steps the little red hen takes to make the bread. Write each step on the board/chart with small illustration of each action.

Review the ideas for making work fun below with your family.
Choose a plan.
Decide how the plan will be implemented.... who, what, where when, how?


Make a vest with two pockets for each child. Attach a turtle on one pocket and a rabbit on the other. Write jobs to be done on three-by-five-inch cards and put them in the turtle pocket. (If the child is too young to read, use a picture for the job description.) You may wish to start out with tasks as simple as brushing teeth or washing hands. The child can put the cards for the jobs he completes in the rabbit pocket. Discuss how rabbits are quick and "get it done," while turtles are slow and "they job might take hours of complaining."

Make an apron for each major household job with a job description written on each one. The person responsible for the job wears the apron until the job is finished. You may even include a hat for the cook. Use your favorite apron pattern and embroider, iron, stencil, or write the jobs on the aprons. Sew a ring onto this apron to hang a dust cloth from. Make this apron of vinyl or plastic.

Make a chart to show whose turn it is to set the table or wash the dishes. Slip the spoon of the assigned member of out of the container and into the paper strip on the day that it is his turn to set the table. On the day that someone is to wash the dishes, put his plate into the dishpan.

Make a "Looking Good" chart and hang it in your bathroom. List on it the things each person is to do as he gets ready. This is especially good for little children, who may need to be reminded of what they should do each morning.

Make a work list for family duties. Have family members brainstorm for a minute, thinking of all the jobs that need to be done around your house (prepare meals, go shopping, iron clothes, set the table, cook the food, do dishes, tend the baby, take out the garbage, pick up the clutter, mow the lawn, wash windows, or sweep the sidewalks).Next, arrange these jobs according to how often they need to be done—daily, twice weekly, weekly, monthly, semiannually, or annually.Now decide together who is capable of performing these duties and who enjoys doing them. Write those names beside the duties.

To assign unwanted jobs, write them all on slips of paper. Place these slips inside balloons; blow up the balloons and tie them. Attach the balloons to a board or heavy cardboard with tape. Pass out darts and let the family throw them at the balloons. Each family member gets the job inside the balloon he pops. Decide together how long each person will keep doing the job. Record this on the work list.

Brainstorm for a few minutes of the subject of the unwanted jobs. Think together of ways to make the burden light. For example, what are five fun ways to carry out the garbage? (Whistle while you're doing it, carry it out on a skateboard, walk backwards, grumble and mumble, carry it in a wagon, pay somebody to do it for you.) Come up with all the creative solutions you can, and use them.Instead of a list, you may want to use a job jar to draw your jobs from. A job wheel works well with older children.

Play games with YOUNG CHILDREN to make work pleasant:

Have your children pretend to be puppets, robots, or soldiers.
Wind them up and let them do their work.
When the house is wall-to-wall clutter, hold a family "panic-pick-up-time."
Set your timer and see how many things can be picked up and put away in ten minutes.
Scrub to music, especially fast, rousing music.
Wash the dishes for ten minutes; then dry them for ten minutes.

Play "Beat the Clock." Time a job to see how much time it normally takes to complete it. Then set your timer and race against the clock. Try to cut down the time without giving up quality. You can even have a family contest to see who can set the family time record.

Reward yourself when you have completed all your work. Hold a victory party. Have a wiener roast, an ice cream party, or a water fight. You may want to divide the family into two teams and see which one can get their work done fastest. The losing team could then cook dinner for the winners, take them to a movie, or do anything else they can think of.

Make dinner time more fun. (Eat at the table MORE OFTEN)
Try some of these ideas:
Have a formal dinner party in the middle of the week. Brush up on table manners.
Have all the boys, including dad, become waiters for an evening. Dress them like waiters and make sure they use good manners all evening.
Let your family go shopping with you through the advertisement section of your newspaper. Let them help decide on good buys. Write the items you choose on a sheet of paper and plan your next week's menu around them.

Use shopping time as a one-to-one time with your children. Tasks such as peeling potatoes, folding napkins, or cleaning out drawers also provide moments for listening and sharing.
As a family, set some basic guidelines for table manners, eating schedules, snack times, and cleanup.

Treat: Sliced Bread or Scones and Honey or Jam (Make it as a family if you have time)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

* FHE LESSON 6: Service: Love One Another ~ Valentines

Service: Love One Another

Have a perfect Valentine Week everyone!

You don't need to be a member of every community charity board, or even have the specific church calling as a compassionate service leader to serve those around you. Service comes in a variety of forms, but always should be done with love. It's true that you always receive more when you give rather than when you receive. To put that to the test, use this simple Family Home Evening lesson to help your family learn of ways to serve one another and others.

Don't forget to give every family member a part of the lesson!

Open & Close with Prayer

Scripture: John 13:34,35 The scripture is highlighted on the page from this link.
Invite members of the family to memorize this scripture and it's reference!

Love At Home
Love One Another
Music Selections (Use anytime during the lesson! Use the songs throughout the week too!

Questions and links to ponder and pray about as you teach your family:

Several pink/purple paper hearts about 3 inches in size.

Family members can make these during the lesson, if you choose. The hearts can be left anonymous or you can have each person decorate, write his/her name, write I love you...etc.

During the mortal ministry of our Savior Jesus Christ, His days were spent in the service of others. While it was done out of pure love, so should our service to others. King Benjamin also taught this to the people that gathered themselves and their families to listen to his teachings. In one of the greatest scriptures of the Book of Mormon, he teaches valuable lessons.

Not only that when you serve others, you're in the service of God--but, he also taught that we should learn wisdom. Don't do an act of service just to do it. Learn from it. Take the time to realize how you grow as an individual and as a Christian--doing what Christ would do if he were here on earth.

The wisdom we learn as we serve is apart of the reason we 'receive' as we 'give.'
Use the following ideas in your family adjusting for

Teens and Young Children.

Decide as a family how you would like to do service together for someone, a family or an non-profit organization in your community. Plan on what service will be done, how it will be done and who will contact the appropriate arrangements if needed. In addition, discuss ways to serve one another in the family and write down how each person will give service over the next week at home.

Follow up on the service completed at your next family home evening.

Ideas for service outside the family: (heart attack (tape hearts to the door!) using the hearts your family made!)

1. Take a snow-plower/snow-shovel around the neighborhood and remove snow for free.
2. Offer to wash the windows of elderly peoples homes, run an errand, visit with them and learn about their life history.
3. Sing to people in nursing homes. (My mother lives at Family Tree in West Point. They love it when people come to visit, sing, read, tidy up!)
4. Walk and bath animals at a local animal shelter.
5. Help serve meals at a local homeless shelter.
6. Ask the Elder's Quorum President or Relief Society President who needs service in your ward.
7. Bake cookies or other treats and deliver them to neighbors you haven't met.
8. Find a non-profit organization in your community and find ways your family can serve them.

*Enlist other families to join in service projects with your family. Make it a combined effort to help those in need.

Ideas for service within the family: (heart attack (tape hearts to the person's bedrom door!) using the hearts your family made! Or leave a heart under a a shoe, etc.)

1. Take out the trash without being asked.
2. Take turns doing the dishes.
3. Make up someone else's bed for an entire week.
4. Clean out the car(s).
5. Read to little siblings before bed.
6. Help someone with their homework.
7. Polish shoes.
8. Tidy up a closet.
9. Sort the laundry-bundle the socks.